E-COMM personnel are faced with trauma and trauma triggers on a daily basis. E-COMM workers are viewed by the public sector as specialized personnel to deal with trauma, in addition, to perform LIFE-SAVING tasks at the incident scene[s]. Therefore the provision of mental health tools has become a necessity within our E-COMM forces.
Providing our E-COMM workers with tools to enhance and strengthen their ability to manage trauma incidents at the scene has increased over the years with growing population and calls. When each worker has dealt with their own trauma and triggers, often buried deep within the compound of their own minds they are much better equipped in those times the injured depend upon their full and present attention. Unfortunately, trauma affects every human, which eventually surfaces, often unexpectedly and has been the unfortunate result in the increase of suicides.
After witnessing trauma, E-COMM personnel even after debriefing, workers continue to hold onto personal pain, which tragically increasingly goes unreported. Why? Generally due to privacy or fear of being viewed as not tough enough for the job. E-COMM workers often left internalizing the impact of both the trauma of the attending incident, in addition, their own personal triggered traumas, which eventually like all humans begin to create an impact in all facets of an E-COMM worker life. For some there comes a time when the persona simply cannot be upheld, resulting in unfortunate outcomes.
This one-day Interactive Seminar equips E-COMM workers with tools they can utilize privately and personally at any time. Providing participants with a stronger ability to accurately deal with trauma self-triggers which may surface for them personally before, during, days, or weeks after attending a trauma incident.
Every human deals with trauma differently and when trauma is not dealt with, especially with E-COMM workers the results often manifest into critical incidents that are spiraling in today's face-paced society and heavier demands.
During E-COMM GZCC SERVICES E-COMM Seminar, your facilitator will walk your team or singular through a day that both empowers each participant with communication tools, and in addition, provides each attendee an opportunity to gain emotional and mental interactive tools to benefit most areas of their work and personal lives.
Having a medic background your facilitator has the first-hand experience in most incidents E-COMM personnel are faced with.
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